How long it takes to receive my order ?
Your items will be received in 7-14 working days. A tracking number will be provided so you can track the progress of your package online.
Who is your shipping company?
Our 7 Stars Mirror Image Replica bags will be shipped via EMS, DHL ,TNT EXPRESS,FEDEX.
What is your product guarantee?
Our number one priority is customer satisfaction. Our objective is to ensure our customers are happy with their purchase and the service they receive so you will return again and again. We are interested in a long term business relationship based on trust, service, and quality. We work very hard to ensure only the very best quality replica is delivered to all of our customers promptly. We always use top grade materials and pay meticulous attention to detail to ensure customer satisfaction.
Do your bags look like the authentic ones?
Our company specializes in replicating designer handbags. All our products are made with the same materials as the original handbags. They are 99% identical in every way right down to the serial numbers embossed on each item. Each handbag comes with all the accessories included in the original item.The pictures on our site are of a random sampling of our stock. The item you will receive will be identical to the item pictured. Quality is our number one priority.Each item is inspected before shipment to ensure the highest quality standards.All the pictures that we provide on our website are those of the actual bags you will be receiving, original pictures of our products! This is how we like to do business, in total transparency!
What payments do you accepts?
We accept Paypal and Telegraphic Transfer.
How much is the shipping cost?
Shipping cost is around Usd$80 depends on the location .we will inform you the actual shipping cost before confirmation.
Are your bags made with real leather?
All our bags are made with the same materials as their original designer counterpart and are as follows:
Louis Vuitton: Canvas or Denim and the trim is oxidizing cow hide leather
Chanel: Lamb Skin leather
Gucci: leather
You don't have the bag I am looking for; can you source it for me?
You name it, we got it! Unless it does not exist or never been released in our
market. Please send a picture of the bag you are looking for to
we will feed back to you soon.
Each bag you order is coming with ?
Each bag comes with:
Serial and model Numbers,
Care booklet,
Boxes for wallets.
Paper Bags( chargeable)-shipping cost differs, due to large parcel.